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Kousa Dogwood

Q.15 year old Kousa Dogwood looks dead

Zone West Dundee, il 60118 | Anonymous added on June 4, 2020 | Answered

Always healthy, always bloomed — until now. Suburb of Chicago (zip 60118). Very unusual “spring”. Early warm, late snow, low temps. Tree now looks dead. A few suckers, dried buds on tips. Scratch bark, green, some brown. Is there hope? Also, lillies of the valley have spread across the planting bed. Could they be attacking root system and strangling tree? Viburnum, arborvitae, lilac in same bed all fine.

A lot of established boxwoods, burning bushes, barberrys, Japanese maples took a hit as well in our area.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 5, 2020

Kousa dogwoods are not drought tolerant so if you had a dry winter and didn't irrigate, plus the late snow, it may have succumbed. Also, you are on the edge of the hardiness zone.

Check for borer holes. They can cause dieback of the canopy.

Try keeping it watered and add a light general fertilizer and see if that helps.





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