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Top Questions About Indian Hawthorn Shrubs

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Questions About Indian Hawthorn Shrubs

  • Answered by
    Heather on
    April 17, 2011
    Certified Expert

    These are both fungicides. They can be used, but there are several other fungicides that will work as well. I am assuming that this is for a fruit tree? You can go to your local garden center and ask for a fruit tree spray or a fungicide. It should be labeled fungicide on the bottle. All garden centers (should) carry at least one type of fungicide.

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  • Answered by
    Anonymous on
    April 17, 2011

    Silly me, you said it was for a hawthorne. Sorry. Regardless, you can still use a fruit tree spray on the plant as long as it is marked as containing a fungicide. Fruit trees have many fungi that can attack them and so there are several products that are sold to help gardeners treat fungus on fruit trees. But these products are just as effective on non fruit trees and plants.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    April 29, 2011
    Certified Expert

    Like most spring-flowering shrubs, Indian hawthorn should be pruned after blooming. Next spring’s flowers are produced on this year’s growth, so if you prune heavily in the late summer or fall, you will reduce the number of flowers next spring.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    May 26, 2011
    Certified Expert

    Have the soil tested. If they are not growing, there are several nutrient deficiencies that can cause this and a soil test can pinpoint which one it is.

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    August 29, 2011
    Certified Expert

    You may want to try watering more deeply. If you water frequently but only for a short period of time, the water may only be sitting on the surface without getting too deep, which means that it will evaporate quickly from the soil. Less frequent but deeper watering will help your shrubs more because the water stays longer.

    You may also want treat the plants with a fungicide. The browning could be caused by a fungus. There are several that could cause this, but a general fungicide will treat most of them.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    October 9, 2011
    Certified Expert

    Sparse leaves can be caused by a few different things. Are they yellowing and falling off or do they just not grow in well? Let us know and we can better advise you on what to do.

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  • Answered by
    theficuswrangler on
    May 5, 2014

    This article should answer your questions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/how-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-dead-and-how-to-recover-an-almost-dead-plant.htm
    Make sure to provide plenty of moisture, both for the roots and for the area around the roots, and your hawthorn should pick up.

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  • Answered by
    theficuswrangler on
    June 4, 2014

    This article should answer some questions for you: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/propagate-pink-indian-hawthorn-57025.html

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