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Lantana Plants

Q.What do I do about Lantana bushes dying off?

Zone Zone 9/southern California | 1musician56 added on June 15, 2014 | Answered

All established lantana on property is bare twig in the middle, little foliage on top. What little leaves are left have large spots of gray/black and are chewed as well. What do I do to save them, please? Are they beyond help? They are about 3′ tall in a raised planter along the entire side of a house, and have been doing just fine for years. Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2014

Lantana are pretty tough, and don't have many problem. This article suggests a couple of thing: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/lantana/lantana-plants.htm
Consider the conditions your plant are growing in, and how they may have changed over the year. For instance, have trees grown up creating more shade? Could the soil use some amendment? etc.

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