Q.what causes my peach fruits to taste sweet but has a bitter after taste.
My peach tree is now 6 years old and planted in sunny area. when it was 4 it had 12 big, juicy and sweet fruits. On it’s 5th year, there was no fruit at all. This year, it has over a hundred fruits, smaller, juicy , sweet but has a bitter taste to it. I waited until today to pick them up as some have fallen to the ground. I picked a few 3 days ago and placed it in a paper bag. Is it nutrient deficit, if it is what will I use ? I have never pruned it yet,
The fertilizer that I used is All purpose plant food fromMiracle gro.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would switch fertilizers. It is causing several problems, and will cause the eventual death of your tree over time.
Low quality fertilizers are not suitable for fruit trees, as they are not a full fertilizer. They are geared more towards short lived plants that will not be consumed (and really should not be consumed when using miraclegro)
It is likely that the fertilizer is too high in nitrogen and does not contain enough nutrients for flower and fruit production. They do need a balanced fertilizer but NO slow release, and I'm almost positive that it will lack sulfur in the amounts that fruit trees need them.
It is very important to use a fertilizer made for fruit trees, and even more important not to use fertilizer with extended release nitrogen (MiracleGro) on these fruit trees.
This article will help you to care for Peach trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/peach/fertilizing-peach-trees.htm