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Germinating Seeds

Q.Vegetable starts

Zone 99109 | ssmi26 added on May 16, 2019 | Answered

I am going to use some small pots to start my seeds this year. In past I have used those small Jiffy trays with dome lids. If I use the small pots instead, how can I cover the pots? The dome lid covered the jiffy trays to keep the moisture in so they could germinate. Do the starts need that to germinate?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2019

Dome lids are a convenience, not a necessity. It helps in retaining moisture; if seeds dry out at a critical time, it will not germinate. If you check your starts twice a day and spray them with water when they look dry on top, your seeds will germinate. Of course you can cover the pots with plastic wrap, put them into plastic bags (I like to cut a couple of air holes) or flip a large food storage container over them. Remove the plastic wrap every few days to let air in and remove it completely when germination starts; otherwise the seedling may develop fungus. Keep your pots in a warm place but not in direct sunshine until germination begins and the domes are off.

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Germinating Seeds
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