I have had my ZZ plant for many years now but suddenly it has developed black spots on the stems. What causes this? Is this dangerous for my plant? What do I do about it?
This could be a fungus issue; overwatering could cause these issues.
The article below will refresh you on the care requirements.
I have seen them growing in water with decorative stones in containers. Is this a good way to grow them?
The ZZ plant will be healthier and happier growing in soil. While it can be grown in water, this is more of a novelty- it may be more susceptible to disease, and you will need to feed it with hydroponic plant food. In fact, they are happier with low amounts of water when grown in soil:
Someone gave me a plant and I don't know anything about it. I know it originally had a lot more branches that died off before I began caring for it. Since I began taking care of it, it has only kept the two branches and I'm wondering why it isn't growing the others back. I don't know it's name so I can't search it. Please help! Thank you!
It appears you have a ZZ plant.
Your plant looks to be receiving too much sunlight.
Here is a link with care information.
When it grows, do I need to transfer to a larger pot or may I trim it back without harming the plant and how should I trim it back? I have one in a 6" pot and it is growing.
Yes, you can move the plant up one pot size.
You can also prune back the plant and even propagate cuttings from the plant.
Here are some links with more information.
My zz plant is starting to develop yellow leaves and I know it's an indication of root rot..but what do I do about it?
Stop watering it frequently, ZZs need very little water. These articles should help
Hi, I've had my ZZ plant for many years, but the stems don't stand up straight, they are all bent over. New stems start off straight, but end up all bent. It looks ridiculous. Is there anything I can do to get it to look normal and full?
The plant appears to be pot bound which doesn't account for the droopy stems, but it also appears that it may be overwatered as the stems have a grayish green colour at the bends. I would consider removing the damaged stems. Allowing the plant to dry out if soggy, and them transplant into a larger pot. Be sure to use a well draining potting soil at this plant doesn't like soggy feet and need little water. Also, is this plant near a air conditioning vent? That me make things worse.
My Zee Zee plants do well but recently I've notice brown spots developing along the edge of a leaf. These spots are increasing in size and darken almost to a black color. I can not see any pests or mildew, etc. A spot develops on the underside of a leaf and a few days later there is a hole in the leaf.
This could be due to overwatering; the biggest issue with ZZ plants.
This article will refresh you on the care requirements.