Can I plant a new apple tree where I have taken out an old tree? The old tree was very small and had not grown since putting in, probably lack of water. The old tree was a Windsor Red. The new one will be Scrumptious.
I would first do a soil test to determine if the soil was why your tree did not grow.
Your County Extension Office can help you with a soil test for a small fee.
You can make any amendments to the soil prior to planting a new tree.
Here is a link to help you locate your nearest office.
These links have more information for you.
It might be mildew! Leaves withering at top of branches of small red Windsor, shrivel and die. There are lots of fruit on and I don't want to lose them or the tree. Thanks
Please include photos. This sounds much worse than mildew! It will be hard to know exactly what is going on without seeing the damage, but for now I will post a link that will help in the meantime: