We are in zone 8b, and there is a thick stemmed shrub/perennial? here that the local folks call "One Drop of Jesus' Blood." It grows about 7 feet tall, looks "viney" in the summer and fall and is covered in small bright red flowers about the size of a thumbnail. I cut it back in the winter and the ground is covered in seedling babies. Any help is much appreciated!
This is a type of Wax Mallow. This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/wax-mallow/caring-for-wax-mallow.htm
Re the Above, Can you please direct me to source for seeds. I cannot find one in UK catalogues Thanks George
Unfortunately, we do not recommend specific places to purchase. I would check your local nurseries, or online.
As a side note- Please do not put your personal information here, as the general public can see it. I have removed it for you, this time.
This may be the second email I have sent. If so apologies. For some reason or other it does not appear in my sent mail
It is often called Turk's cap and seeds should be easy to find online. I would avoid buying from individuals selling on auction sites, etc., but look for reputable seed companies. We don't make vendor or product recommendations so I don't have a source for you. Here is plant information: