I planted some ferns at the base of my vitex plants (4) and you know how ferns are. Is it possible that with so many ferns the soil is becoming too organic? The vitex are just starting to leaf and it doesn't look right.
I would inspect your Chaste Tree for any other signs of issues. Look for pests or leaf damage.
If the soil is holding too much moisture with the underplanting, this could very well be an issue for your tree.
Check the soil by digging down a few inches. If is seems excessively wet, your tree may not be happy and over the long term could kill the tree.
My vitex tree has blossomed. Do I take off the bloomes? Will they reblossom without pruning?
Deadheading the plant will help encourage more blooms.
Here is a link with more information.
I want to plant a vitex and loquat tree in Sugarland TX. Please provide some information on how to take care of them so that they will survive and produce flowers and fruit. When is a good time to prune and fertilize them?
Here are our guides to growing and pruning Vitex:
See this article for advice on fertilization, which can be applied to any Vitex:
Here is the information on loquat:
I have three vitex trees that have many branches that do not grow but do flower on new growth. They appear to be dead but probably are not. These are due to incorrect pruning. How should I treat these branches? Cut them off? Prune them back? Thanks for any help you can give me.
This link will help you.
Most of the leaves on my tree are discolored. A sort of deep purple/gray. There are some leaves which are bright green and I assume they are new growth. This has been going on for a couple years now. It doesn't seem to be affecting the health of the tree, just unsightly. Also, it doesn't seem to bloom as much as before. See picture showing the affected leaves side by side with healthy ones. Any idea what is causing this? I am in south Louisiana and the tree gets sufficient rain fall and I have never fertilized it.
You said the key phrase here... I would fertilize with a very even well mixed fertilizer... That, and dolomitic lime for pH. It seems to be running out of nutrients.
Should the vitex be planted in a grouping ? Or is it too bushy?
I would only recommend planting one in each space, as they do tend to get pretty wide. you can always prune them, but it will be best to space them out still. Here is an article with more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/chaste-tree/chaste-tree-cultivation.htm
We have a couple of Vitex. One is thriving, but one died. It had a burl(?) type growth at its base, and that seemed to reduce the actual root connection. Images attached. What happened, and what can we do to stop it in the future?