My friend has a bush in her garden which has always had just leaves....but suddenly there are white and red berry/flowers. I'd like to be able to find the answer for her. I have attached a picture and hope you can help please???!!!
I believe it is Euonymus japonicus 'Chollipo,' also called spindle bush or tree. It rarely produces flowers and fruits so that explains why your friend hasn't seen them before.
Any idea what these growths are on my euonymus bushes? Could these be lantern fly eggs? Earlier this year they were infested with Lantern flies. Thank you.
Here are photos of SLF egg masses, which don't look like what's on your euonymus. Except maybe the third photo. They don't hatch till spring.
I believe what you are seeing are aerial roots, which are common on euonymus plants. They also are called adventitious roots.
Are the tiny, white lines always on the stem? It looks a lot like euonymus scale, but some stems normally have mottling. If you think it is scale, here is more info: