The tree is 2 1/2" and was planted 4 weeks ago. My soil is clay and I have watered 2 to 3 times a week.
Maples are often the first trees to exhibit fall color. Early color change often means some kind of stress: the tree is entering dormancy to protect itself. In clay soil, be careful not to overwater. Maples are sensitive to this. Water deeply but weekly. Use a trowel to poke around the soil. It should not be soggy. Make sure the root flare is showing. Unfortunately, often trees are planted too deeply. Eventually this will rot the trunk bark. Lastly, planting a tree in July is a stressor all by itself. Even after leaves color and fall, the roots continue to work to get established. Make sure to continue weekly watering through fall. It may be leafless but it still loses moisture from branches and twigs. Here are some more tips:
ood strong tree or should I take it back? I live on top of a hill with no break from the wind! I have not planted it yet. MY CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS IS Your page won’t let me correct it in the email field!
That is likely a graft! It was done on purpose. For a Sugar Maple, this will be done to put the Sugar Maple top on a less invasive rootstock. Otherwise, you could have a tree that grows fast, tears up the area, then falls apart later on. This can be prevented by putting the top scion on a less invasive, and slower growing rootstock. On the other hand, they can be grafted to a more salt tolerant cultivar to accommodate less than ideal soils.
This is normal, and does not affect the strength of the tree.
Here is an article for more information on the care of these trees:
I placed in a large pot with dirt and watered with some warm water. How long should I leave in the planter? should I wait until next spring to plant in the yard. It is about 4 feet tall? thanks!!
It should be ready by fall to plant, and fall is really the best time to plant trees.