it bloomed profusely and for months. now it has stopped. what to do now?
Snip off the head of individual flowers as they fade. Deadheading prevents seeding and clears the way for fresh blossoms. When the final flower on a stem wilts, clip off the entire stem at ground level.
Snip off dead or broken stems at the base whenever you notice them. Remove dead and yellowing leaves; these are usually older leaves dying back.
Cut off a broken, torn or blemished section of a healthy leaf with kitchen scissors. Leave the healthy part on the flower stem.
Cut back the entire plant to a height of several inches after it finishes flowering in autumn if leggy or scraggly. After severe pruning, the cape primrose stops growing for several months. During this period, limit watering and avoid fertilizing.
Was beautiful. Then I realized I was overwatering...which I did not know.
If it is still alive, cut back on watering. You also can quickly repot in fresh soil and a clean container. If you still have a healthy leaf, you can try propagating it. These articles will help: