Will the straightneck squash climb a trellis, so I can harvest them easier? I'm in a wheelchair.
Straightneck squash is a summer squash, which doesn’t tend to spread like the winter vining varieties. However, you can still place a trellis or similar structure next to the plant if needed. You may also want to consider growing your squash (or other plants) in raised beds as well.
Does this plant grow in a bush or a vine?
It depends on the variety you bought. Straightneck squash come in both vining and bush varieties.
Straight neck squash is setting fruit but stops growing at 2-3 inches, and then end blossom rot occurs and fruit falls off. Why?
It is a pollination issue. These articles will help:
I planted Early Prolific Straightneck squash for the first time. The blooms are just now opening and I believe the squash is attached to the bloom. How can this be? When was the bloom pollinated if it just opened?
Are you sure what you are seeing is really the fruit? It does sound a bit early, especially since the male blooms normally appear before the female fruiting blooms, though it's not entirely impossible. If it is indeed a baby squash, count your blessings! Looks like you'll have a nice early harvest. For additional information about the differences between male and female blooms, this article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/squash/female-male-squash-blossoms.htm
My straight neck squash first production is small and not getting bigger. Should I harvest early to get better results? Every aspect of required needs of my squash are met. They are perfectly healthy plants.
Here is a link about growing and harvesting squash.
Small squash is generally very tasty and full of flavor. Harvest about when they are at a 6"size.
We have approx. 14 hills of straight neck yellow squash planted. They are blooming now; however, a couple of the hills are already dying before we even pick any squash. There are no signs of squash bugs yet. What can we "doctor" them with that might help. Also, what do you recommend besides Sevin that might help other plants?
Here are some articles that will help you pinpoint the issue.