I need to know if soybeans (Fiskeby and Envy) are bush beans. Also, is the Royalty Purple Pod bean pole beans or bush? I have been finding conflicting information and it doesn't say on the packs of seeds that I have.
For some odd reason, the container which holds my soil was somehow contaminated on its own and I need some very simple, inexpensive, and quick home remedies to fix the overwhelming scent of ammonia. It has already killed my small soybean plant in a matter of overnight. Please help!! Sincerely, Jamie
This is often caused by a chemical reaction related to fertilizer and overly moist soil, especially if the soil has organic compounds. Root rot is another reason for the smell, and another side effect off too much moisture. Remove the soil, clean out the container, and repot (if the plant's roots are still healthy) in sterilized soil or a soilless potting mix. Sterile mediums don't have this problem to the same degree because there is nothing to break down and decompose. Also, check the container carefully to ensure that adequate drainage is provided. These article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/sterilizing-soil.htm
My soybean plants have pods on them, but the pods have the bulges where the seed should be and when I open them there is a skin casing, but no soybean in it. I have harvested some bean off the plants, but most of them are turning out to be empty. What is the cause of this and will they eventually grow seeds in them if I wait a little longer?
This article may have some suggestions that help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beans/bean-blossoms-no-pods.htm
How do I plant soybeans?
This article will tell you what you need to know: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/soybean/soybean-growing-information.htm
is it possible to grow soya beans in northern New Zealand ?
This would be perfect for beans, as long as it didn't get too hot too often. This article will give you more information on growing these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/soybean/soybean-growing-information.htm
how to hand pollinate edamame beans
You can, but there is no need to, since they are self pollinating. Just shake the flower, slightly. The male and female parts touch within the flower, already, so this may jostle pollen onto the stigma.
This article will help you to grow them: