My sisso tree is peeling some bark. Someone told me that I have been watering it too much. I had the time set for 40 min. twice a day, 7 days a week, so I cut back to 3 times per week for 30 minutes. Could that be the reason that the tree was getting too much water?
The Sissoo tree does well in the desert areas because it is dry
an established tree should not be watered at all during the winter or maybe once or twice at the most. During the summer water an established tree once a month deeply.
The Sissoo is quite drought tollerent and does not like a lot of water.
I'm in East Mesa, Arizona. My 15 gallon Sisso planted in September now has brown tips on some of it's leaves. Water: 16 gallons every 7 days but with cooler weather will be every 10 days. Why the brown tips?
Most likely, it is a watering issue. Newly planted trees require more water than those already established. This article should help:
Can I grow Dalbergia sissoo plant by stem?
If you mean by taking cuttings, then yes, Dalbergia sissoo can be grown from hardwood cuttings. See this article:
Do sissoo trees lose their leaves in the winter?
Sissoo Trees are semi evergreen, so they lose some of their leaves in the fall.
Here is a link with more information.
I planted a Sisso about 4months ago I watered everyday for about a month and now I water twice a month. How often should I water? The leaves are turning yellow am I not watering enough or not enough, or do the leaves turn yellow in the winter? Same with a yellow bell plant.
This sounds like a case of iron chlorosis, which is common with these trees in alkaline soil. This article will help you to correct this:
How often and how much do I use? I've used it once about 3 months ago but not sure if I put enough.
How often and how much do I put Citrus fertilizer on my tree?
This can be done once or twice a year. Usually once is enough, but if you find that you need more, then twice is fine too!
Sissoo tree 4 years old and staked. took stake off last week, and the crown is bent over and not straightening up. is it doomed ?
Is it just bent or broken? Did the tree sustain an injury?
It's difficult to say with just a description. Inspect the bark for signs of disease. This is not something I have heard of and could not find any information on this issue.