After the first good frost in fall, you cut Artemisia (Silver mound) back to the ground and cover it with mulch for the winter. I would wait for spring transplanting. Here is more info on caring for this plant:
how to care for Sedum plants in the fall?
Do I cut back my silver mound for the winter (in SE Michigan) or leave it as it is?
Trimming off spent blooms is normally done in mid-summer. While you do not have to cut it back in fall, if you would like to do so for appearances, this is fine and should not harm the plant. However, in cooler regions it is better to leave the old growth over winter for added protection and simply cut it all back prior to new growth in spring.
What do I have to do to my silver mound to winterize it? I live in Alberta.
This plant doesn't require any special care over winter as it will die back and regrow in spring. If it looks ragged, however, you can trim it back some.
I have been searching for a silver mound plant for 2-3 years. This spring a friend gave me one. We have just sold our house and will be moving to an apt. Would like to take my plant with me.
Yes, they can be grown in containers. Just care for them as you would those in the garden, though water more often when temps are hot. This article will help with its general care:
We usually divide ours in the fall so it can be re-establishing itself over the winter. This article should help:
My Silver Mound Artemisia was flourishing, but now the leaves around the outer edges are dying, although some new growth is evident even in the dying sections. What is happening? Could grubs cause such a condition? Should I remove the dead and dying areas? Obviously, I'm no gardener, but I do really love this plant.
While disease or insects could be at work, it's more likely that your plant just needs to be divided. Read more:
You might be interested in knowing about the Agricultural Extension Service, which is paid for by your taxes, and exists in almost all counties in the USA. They have wonderful resources for helping and educating home gardeners. You can locate the nearest one with this link:
No pruning has been done since purchase 2 yrs ago. They are now quite large and last year they spread so much they exposed the middle.
You will want to prune your silver mound in the summer after it blooms. I would recommend initially pruning back by up to a third of its height and spread.
For more information on the care of silver mound, please visit the following link: