I have a Roma tomato plant that has had full, large fruit on it for quite some time now but they are not ripening. The fruit has been on there for over a month, if not over two. There is a cluster of about 6 tomatoes on one branch, and they are pretty large. . . still Roma in shape but on a very large scale. The plant is just now starting to produce more fruit in a more traditional roma shape and size, but these original first fruit still sit unripened. What do I need to do?
This summer has been very hot for most of the country. When temperatures rise above 90 F and do not drop into the 70's at night, many varieties of tomatoes will slow down and even stop the ripening process. Extra watering can help to bring down the air temp around the tomatoes, but really what you need are some cooler nights.
Our Roma tomoato plant has fruit on it with brown spots on the bottom of the tomatoes. What causes it and how can you prevent it?
Your tomatoes are suffering from tomato blossom-end rot--due to a lack of calcium in the blossom end of fruits. It is also more prevalent on the first fruits that ripen. Improve the soil quality around your tomato plants, cut spots off the affected tomato fruits (or simply discard them), and salvage what you can of the crop. To improve the soil and prevent future problems, maintain adequate, consistent soil moisture through proper mulching and watering. This article will also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/tomato-blossom-rot.htm
What causes brown spots on the bottom of roma tomatoes? It's soft, almost like rotted, but the tomatoes are just starting to come on. They are small and green still.
You have blossom end rot. This article will help:
Is it ok to trim my roma tomato plants? My plants are big and bushy and I don't think my tomatoes are getting enough sunlight to turn red. I put tomato cages around my plants. Was that a bad decision because they are all bunched up?
The following articles should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/should-you-prune-tomato-plants.htm
What causes roma tomatoes to get brown on bottom? The plant is in patio pot and many of the tomatoes have turned brown on bottom.
This is blossom end rot. This article will help:
I'm growing two roma tomato plants on my 11th floor balcony in the city in a garden box (just these two plants in one planter). I have about ten tomatoes about the size of a quarter now and the plants themselves are almost 2' tall, but I noticed today that the bottom side is a brownish color. Why is this, and are the tomatoes OK? I'm watering them everyday. I used to have a big garden in the country and have never seen this before.
This is bottom end rot. This article will help:
My roma tomatoes have black spots on the base. Why?
It's difficult to tell from your description if you are dealing with blight or possibly blossom end rot. These articles may help you narrow down which issue you're dealing with.