I have had a caragana hedge for a number of years. Four years ago I cut it back to only a few inches and it is regrowing as hoped. However, every summer since, about now, the hedge is decimated by powdery mildew and something that is stripping off the leaves. Thoughts?
It would be difficult to say what is eating your hedge from the description but I would suggest a Neem Oil treatment.
It should take care of most damaging insects and also works as a fungicide.
Hoping to confirm identity of this shrub. Thank you
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. The seeds of this shrub resemble peas, roughly. They are not needle-like.
This article will offer more information about the shrub:
t. Are these two separate bushes that just happened to be growing together even though I thought I only purchased the Caragana?
Since the top, weeping, part is likely grafted onto a hardy rootstock (The Siberian is a common graft for the weeping kind) It can shoot up growth of its own. This can be normal, but it can be a sign of stress as well.
Here is more information on their care:
We planted the tree 2months ago. It got watered once a week because there was no rain since April. Should I keep it moist and use some savers soap to get all the eggs of.
Hose it well with water. You also can spray it with Neem oil. That will suffocate any eggs.