I purchased a Dwarf Papyrus. I see it can be grown in water or soil. If growing in water, should it be in the pot I purchased it in or should I remove entire rootball from pot and place it in the water?
Yes, you need to keep it in the pot when you submerge it, unless you have an extremely deep bed of mud. Read more here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/papyrus/papyrus-plants.htm
The plants are in a concrete planter with moist soil and that I fill with water each day. But the stems are not very strong even though they have grown to over 6 ft. they are very fraagile.
Rust fungus is a known issue on Papyrus.
Here are some links to help you.
My papyrus plant is yellowing at umbrellas. Rest of plant seems healthy. Not planted in bog or submerged. Is this a simple watering issue? On same irrigation with grasses, ixora, and ginger. Please assist.
Your Papyrus may need more water.
Ideal is submerged in water. With plenty of water, warmth and sunshine your plants are quite happy.
How to winterover Potted Papayrus plants from my fish pond Iam in the Northeast
Since this variety is not cold hardy, you will want to bring it in and treat it as a houseplant. The care might be different than one would expect for a houseplant. You will need a good source of south facing window light. If you do not have this, then you will need to put them under indoor horticultural lighting. This article will give you more detailed information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/water-plants/wgen/winterizing-water-plants.htm
Hello there, I have a papyrus that I keep as a houseplant. It is about Six feet tall and has about 15 stems. While the newer sprouts are green and seem healthy, the taller stems are yellowing at the tips. We keep the plant roots submerged in water as we were told to do when we acquired it. We have a lot of natural sunlight in our home and have tried placement next to a window and also in an area with less direct sunlight, but we cannot seem to re-green all of the leaves. What advice can you give us to help make this plant completely green and healthy? Thank you in advance!
I would plant into soil and make sure you have a well draining container. In an indoor setting you cannot recreate a bog setting. The water is likely quite stagnant and may contain bacteria.
These links will help you.
Essentially I live in mid-Florida. It does get below 40 degrees in the winter, but rarely overnight, and never for a sustained period of time. Would I still need to bring it indoors? I would basically like to plant it in the ground.
Unfortunately, nobody is exempt from the weather. This will apply to anywhere that gets down to 40 or below. It will be best to keep this in container.
Within a couple days of brining the potted papyrus home, all the hairs became dried out. Is this because of not enough water? Will the fronds/hairs grow back from a stall where they’ve dried or should I cut that stalk back? Should I trim the dry hairs?
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I cannot see the damage. There are many reasons that this could happen, and they can include underwatering, humidity, and light levels could be off, as well.
In the meantime, this article will help you to know what kind of care they require: