My apricot tree (Moorpark) is four years old. The tree looks very healthy and has grown quite tall and wide. The problem is it has very few flowers and even less fruit. We only have five apricots this year. We fertilized in early spring; we live in southern California.
This can usually be attributed to poor pollination. Both flowers and fruiting will not take place. Here is an article that you may find helpful:
We planted two Moorpak Apricot trees eight or nine years ago. They have never had fruit, nor do they even bloom. One tree several years ago had a couple of blooms, but that is ALL. What can I do to encourage blooms (and fruit)? The trees look healthy, as far as I can tell. I live in Sherman, which is in north central Texas. I would appreciate any suggestions you possibly have for my problem.
I would recommend adding phosphorus to the soil. This is likely the cause for not flowering, which means no fruit. This article will explain more:
For additional reasons why this can occur, this article should be of some help:
It should be a dwarf tree and it keeps growing, now over 12 ft. Last spring I trimmed the branches and it keeps growing new ones at least 3-4 from everyone cut end. But had not even one flower or one apricot. Looks very healthy. I do not use any fertilizer.
HELP !!!
This link is to a publication from Utah State: It discusses pruning apricots on page 9.
This article should help answer your questions:
My apricot tree bears well. It is a Moorpark. My problem is they don't keep. They can look lovely on outside, but inside are very soft very quickly, so each year I freeze them. Do you know why this would be happening? Tree is about 5-6 years old and looks healthy. Thanks
It sounds like your tree is suffering from pit burn. It is a condition that occurs when temperatures get too warm close to harvest. Apricots do best in moderate climates. In warmer climates, pit burn can be a problem.
There is not much you can do for it, but if you plant a new tree in the future, you can get a variety that is not as prone to it. 'Patterson' is one.
Here is more information:
Hello. I have a 3 or 4 year old Moorpark Apricot tree. It is April 18, 2017. Leaves have been growing and then turning brown and dying. Do you know what is happening? Steve.
This looks like a physiological problem rather than a disease. When leaves turn brown on the tips and edges first, this often indicates either a lack of water getting to the leaves, or toxicity from excessive fertilizer, salt, or another toxic substance in the soil around the tree. Please see the following article for details: