My Mexican flame vine is potted in a 12-inch pot. In a month it's grown just 4" and no flowering happened. Even now is July ending. Tell me when this vine starts flowering.
Here is a link with more information.
Can you tell me how to grow Mexican Flame vine from seed? I've tried planting the spent flower heads on top of the soil and beneath but nothing happens. Are the seeds located inside the dead flower heads?? They don't respond to well when I try to grow from cuttings. Any info would be helpful. Douglas
You can also start new plants from cuttings if you are not having luck with seeds.
These links will help you.
just got 4 of these started on a huge metal trellis surrounding a large fountain in our garden I wanted shade for the water and some protection for my bird friends they turned very solid green on the leaves and 10 or so flowers on each one they grew about 4 feet in 2 months now they are just starting to look woody and bare ? any help appreciated
This article will help you.
getting full sunlight, grown in big pot, it's been one year.. not even one feet grown
Most problems with this invasive species will come down to overwatering. They are not tolerant of this issue, and are very drought tolerant.
You may need a fungicide, and to correct watering habits. This article will help you with fungicide use:
This article will help you with the care of the plant:
I live in Dallas and need a plant that can take intense bounce back heat from a west facing wall.
It will but for a short time only (until an extreme winter kills it). It is not very winter hardy in our Z8a winters.