I have rang Botanical gardens in Qld and was told it could be a fungus causing all leaves to be dying on my tree. I have also typed in every known reason on internet and have come to conclusion maybe it's root rot. It was a very healthy tree which I planted 7 years ago and now is approx 25 feet tall. We have had heaps of rain here over the past 2 months. If it is root rot, is there anything I can do to save it? After looking up all the different types of fungus, I don't think it's one of them.
There is no cure of root rot.
If you can pull the stems from the crown of the plant this is root rot.
My tea tree is growing but a lot of the leaves are turning red & yellow. It's one year in the ground and I've been watering it twice weekly. I also laid bark around the tree. I don't recall the name of the tree but the leaves are a reddish purple on top where the sun hits it and green on the bottom and the leaves are around an inch long. I haven't been able to find this type of tree in any book or online. Also it hasn't flowered yet. When can I expect flowers? Does it have to mature further?
I think the red color may be due to the strain, but the yellow leaves are another matter. I suggest checking all your growing conditions against the info in this first article. Then, read on in the second article and see if you can get to the bottom of the problem.
tree has reddish leaves where sun hits it.Leaves are 1"long&narrow.Been in ground 1 yr but no flowers-why
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to diagnose the issue at hand. In the meantime, these articles will help you to determine problems in your soil, and give you tips on the best care for the tree: