Hi, I'm in Leicester UK and the seed sprouted, so I potted it, and kept it inside, it grew so I re-potted it and put it outside, It's been repotted again and is about 4 years old, the new leaves grow, but the older leaves at the bottom get brown spots turn yellow and fall off. I don't know why. Please can you let me have your opinion as to why this is happening.
This article should help:
Aloha, While reading this article; Pests Of Lychee Trees: Learn About Common Bugs That Eat Lychee Lychee Tree By: Teo Spengler I read; In areas where lychees are grown, the leaf-curl mite is probably the most serious pest that consumes lychee leaves. It attacks the new growth. Look for blister-like galls on the top side of the foliage and a wooly covering on the underside. In the United States, this mite has been wiped out. Please tell me how. My orchard in Hawaii is under attack and I am at a lose googling any effective treatment. Organic, chemical not caring at this point. Please help. Mahalo, Brad
I did find this article
from a Florida university extension service. Apparently there is an acaracide approved for this problem, BUT, it is a chemical and is harmful to bees if used during flowering. It's also not good for surrounding plants and can't be applied on hot days. SO, here's my best recommendation: contact your local university extension service and have a discussion about the best treatment options. Here's how to contact them:
How do I make my lychee tree bear fruit
It needs acidic soil. Here are more growing tips to check:
I have a 30 yr old, about 25 feet tall lychee tree that is dying...we have tried fertilizer, etc but the limbs look dead, some growth only at the ends, and most of the leaves have fallen off without growing back. I don't know what to do or if I should have it removed, which would be costly so I'm not crazy about doing that.
It could be from weather extremes. Here is some info that should help:
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. Typically, indoor trees suffer from overwatering, but that can be mitigated by using a meter to ensure that the soil needs water down at the 3 or 4 inch mark. Here are some articles that will help:
My tree is around 25 yrs. old and 40 feet tall. It has not produce fruit in the last 5 yrs. If it doesn't produce, I'm planning to cut it down! Please any advise will be appreciated !
This article should help:
Age 9 month but not grow up
This link will take you to a general article of lychee tree care tips:
This link takes you to even more articles about lychee tree care: