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Questions About Garden Pest Control

  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    June 12, 2024
    Certified Expert

    This is definitely cutworm damage, but I notice something else as well. I see what looks like the beginning of spider mite damage. These are teeny tiny and most people overlook them because of it. This causes a quick decline, which makes for the perfect host for cutworms. Damage can be confirmed by seeing some of the stems cut at a very precise angle, which is common for cutworms, paired with small spotting on some of the leaves for spider mites. I would expect to see some slight webbing under the leaves.

    Leveling to the ground is really only common for younger plants, but cutworms can be responsible. I would compound treatments, and keep using them until you see no more signs of pest. Both can be quite a chore to get rid of and keep away from you garden. I would use plenty of neem oil or its extract, azadirachtin, to kill and keep both at bay. This should be done on occasion to prevent any future issues.

    My favorite treatment for cutworms, above all, will be Bt. Bacillus thuringiensis is a hungry bacteria that will feed on caterpillars, effectively controlling them through infection. This bacteria is completely harmless to humans, so there is no worry of toxicity or poisoning.




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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    July 31, 2024
    Certified Expert

    It sounds like there are some headclipping weevils attacking your plants. Here is more:


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