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Top Questions About Flamingo Trees

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Questions About Flamingo Trees

  • Answered by
    shelley on
    May 12, 2015
    Certified Expert

    How often and how have you been watering it? This tree does do well in damp soil, so be sure to water deeply and thoroughly. Is there good drainage in your lawn? This is an important consideration as the salix flamingo doesn't like to be in standing water.

    How often have you been fertilizing it? It is recommended to fertilize in the spring with a granulated fertilizer before growth begins.

    Given the timing of your tree's deteriorating condition, your tree may have sustained winter injury. For more information on winter injury, go here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/shgen/winter-damage-of-shrubs.htm

    For more information on the care of salix flamingo, please visit the following link:

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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    August 11, 2015

    I would certainly maintain the standard shape as this is how the tree was grafted.

    Here is a link to help you.


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    July 21, 2018

    They can grow 15 feet high and wide.
    You should keep the shrub 5 feet from foundation.
    I would move the shrub.


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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    May 27, 2024
    Certified Expert

    When planting your flamingo tree (Salix integra 'Flamingo'), it's important to consider its vigorous root system, especially since it can grow up to 2.5 meters tall. Given the clay soil and proximity to your house, it's safest to plant it at least 4-5 meters away to avoid potential damage to your foundations. This distance helps prevent the roots from interfering with the structure and seeking water near the house. Additionally, you might consider installing root barriers to further protect your foundations. This precaution will help ensure your tree grows healthily without posing a risk to your home.


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