Hi there. This was left behind when the previous house owner moved out. Please could you tell me what it is and the best thing to do with it?! It doesn’t flower or fruit. Thank you for your help.
It looks like a fatsia japonica and it should flower in the fall. Yes, you can repot it. Here are care tips:
Our 4 year old (6’ tall) Fatsia Japonica was severely damaged due to an expected few day heat wave. Middle and upper leaves were scorched and lost. Can the big plant be cut way back, dug up and replanted in a very large pot or is it a total loss? I am in the Pacific Northwest. Thank you.
They can, usually, tolerate heavy pruning. I would say to prune it back pretty heavily after conducting the "scratch test" to ensure that the tree is still alive. This article will help:
Should you determine that the shrub is alive, then you can move it to an area that would be better suited for the shrub. In your area, I would opt for a full shade spot.
Here is an article that will help with the care of the shrub:
They're not on the list of plants resistant or susceptible to this disease. I believe i lost a continus a few years ago to the disease and wondered if i put a fatsia where the cotinus was whether it too would be affected. Thanks for your help.
They are resistant, but any plant can contract the disease whether or not it is resistant. This only makes it more difficult for it to get sick. I would have your soil tested before planting anything. If the disease is still concentrated in the area, then you may want to avoid planting anything in that area. If the disease is only barely in the soil, then you might consider planting something, but that will be up to you for risk versus benefit.
Any tips on how to take cuttings
That would be a Japanese Aralia (Fatsia japonica).
Here is an article that will give you a basic understanding of how to take cuttings from it: