Do you have information on how to grow etrogs? They look a lot like a lemon. We want to grow etrogim from seeds of our etrog.
This article should help you:
how to germinate and how to take care of watering and fertilize and insects
The most likely germination method is to soak the seeds in water overnight, then plant in seed-starting soil and keep the soil moist, but not soggy, for several weeks until they germinate. As they grow, transplant to a larger pot with a citrus potting soil mix as described here:
Etrog plants can then be cared for similarly to other citrus. See these articles in our citrus section:
Also see this article:
I have a very small etrog tree. It grows about 8 inches in the summer and loses its leaves every winter and appears dead but starts to grow again in the summer. It is in a container. In the winter it is in my house in the basement where the temps are around 55. Is that too cold? What can I do to prevent it from losing its leaves in the winter and appearing to be dead? Thank you for your help. Trude Reiser
55 degrees is not too cold, but are you sure it is not experiencing a freeze before you bring it in for the winter?
The tree needs watering and sunlight all year. So if in the basement it may be too dark and neglected for watering. You may consider a "grow light" available at hydroponic supply shops.
My etrog tree is rather spindly and is reaching my ceiling. I think it might benefit from pruning but I don't know where to make the cuts.
You can make the cuts about a foot from the base. This will not solve the problem, though. This is due to a lack of light. You will want to move this to a sunnier spot, or grab a horticultural grade lighting fixture of 200 watts or more. This will keep the growth short, especially if the bulb that you choose is a metal halide in blue spectrum, or LED of the same spectrum.
I have an Esrog plant and need to cut it. the plant is getting too high for my apartment. I cut it on a slant and peeled off some of the bark on the top portion that I cut and pushed it into the dirt in the existing pot. the bottom half appears to be doing fine. On the top cut section that I replanted, the leaves are getting dry and brittle. it appears the plant is dying. when I replanted it, I watered it a bit each day for a few days and once with plant food mixed in. any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated. see photo the healthy bottom half are the leafs on right and the wilting leafs are on the left.
If you just cut it, recently, then the plant has no roots. It cannot function without roots, so it will not look healthy until it does have roots.
The more nutrients that are in the soil, slower the new roots will grow. Feeding has likely stopped root growth, altogether.
You will need to root this cutting properly in order for it to survive.
This article will help:
The tree is at least 15 years old no fruit I put citrus food still no fruit
This can indicate that there is an issue with the growing conditions. I see signs of infection, possibly from wet soils that remain too wet for too long without a dry out, or from a genuine infection from humidity related issues.
A fungicide, and proper care will ensure that your tree fruits. It is flowering, which is a wonderful sign. These articles will help: