I moved my 2 shrubs that I bought to plant in an area that I thought was perfect place but wasn't ready at the time so I placed them next to my house which was mostly pure sand. We went through a month of bad weather and I never got the designated area I wanted to plant them, Well as time went on I just left them and now they grew through the plastic pots I am now afraid it might interfere into my recent plumbing line. I feel I need to relocate them asap. They are way too close to the house. one is only 3 ft cause I kept trimming it back the other one is about 5 ft. I live in Rockport TX along the coast with windy hot and dry conditions. Usually upper 90s to 100s. Is it too hot to move the shrubs? I think its an elbowbush an understory shrub.
It's not the best time as you know, but I would go ahead and do it because it isn't going to get any cooler anytime soon. You will have to be vigilant about keeping them watered though or you will lose them.
Also, when transplanting, it is very important not to let the rootball dry out, so get the new location ready before you dig up the shrubs. And cover the rootball while in transit. Here is more on moving trees and shrubs: