Do I have to put more sticks and tie it up?
Your plant is a Dumbcane Dieffenbachia.
Here is a some more information.
It keeps getting yellow leaves; what do I do?
Yellowing leaves are generally a watering issue. Overwatering or under watering.
Make sure your checking the soil to see if it needs water before you add it.
Here is a link with growing conditions you can review.
I've cut my dieffenbachia a while ago, but no new growth appears to be coming. What can I do? I've cut this plant several times before.
Check the light conditions and watering.
You many need a light feeding of fertilizer to give it a little boost.
Is it time to refresh the potting soil?
New good quality potting mix can rejuvenate a houseplant.
Here is a link with more help.
My dieffenbachia baby was propagated off of the tall, spindly plant and now the baby is turning into a tall, spindly plant. The baby's stock is only a half inch in diameter. It has two leaves with one new one started. How do I create a thicker stem? Right now it is healthy and only about 10 inches high.
Spindly houseplants are generally a symptom of lack of sunlight, soil nutrients, watering factors and humidity.
Here are a few links that will help you and refresh you on the care requirements.
The plant is too large and would like to have some starts from it.
Excellent idea and here is an article that will help you.
Some the tips on some of the leaves have turned brown. Is that too much water?
If the soil is soggy, this is to much water.
The first inch or so of the soil should be dry before watering again.
Make sure the pot has a adequate drainage.
You also can try using distilled water or let the water sit out for 48 hours before watering the plant with. The salts from conditioned water can build up in the soil and cause the plant to have blackened leaf tips.
Here is a link with more information on care requirements.
Does the water that drips off the leaves of dieffenbachia plant harm a laquered floor? Thanks Christine
The droplets are the byproduct of transpiration--the excess water from the plant.
It likely contains some sap from the plant. I would certainly be safe and move the plant to another area or place it on a tray that would protect your floor.