Recently a friend of mine gave a Siam-Curcuma to me as a gift, it looks so beautiful. I would like to know whether I can keep plant growing long in Alberta (Canada) with the temperature during summer months sometimes going up to 30C or more, while in winter time goes down to -30C with winds. In this type of temperature, can the Siam Curcuma take it or not?
In your area, it would likely be better to grow this plant in a container and treated as a houseplant, allowing it to spend spring/summer outdoors and bringing it back inside prior to cooler weather. Here is more information on growing these plants:
I planted Siam tulips last spring. I cut them down to ground level in early winter. What approximate date would I expect them to start to emerge this spring? I was hoping to see them start to come up by now. Thank you.
I would give them a little bit longer. You should see growth by mid April.
My ginger lily bloomed beautifully last year in my sunroom. It died back in the winter. When can I expect it to start growing again? So far nothing is happening.
According to my research, the curcuma ginger lily comes back to life in late spring.
I just came into possession of 4 pots of Curcuma. What are the planting requirements to keep them in good health and blooming? Thank you.
This really depends on the type you have as there are a number of curcuma varieties, which can include Siam tulips (Curcuma alismatifolia), hidden ginger (Curcuma petiolata), turmeric (Curcuma longa),etc. For generalized care, this article should help:
When one of the flower dies, do you just cut off the blossom and the stem?
Yes, you can dead head the spent flowers.
I bought a curcuma plant and put it in a large container. The first week it was in the sun about a half day, the leaves curled up and started to turn brown. I then moved it to a more shady area, but the problem is the same. I thought it was getting too much water, so I just have been watering about twice a week. We have had this plant for three weeks, at this point I don't know what to do! Sincerely, Dee Baird
I just started growing curcurma longa (for the turmeric root), and have heard that its leaves will turn brown in die back in the fall. It's part of the natural growth cycle. Maybe that's what is happening to yours. It can overwinter in a warm place and should come back in the Spring.
I had several of these in my front entryway last year and fell in love. I need to know if I should take the bulbs out at the end of blooming season and store them or leave them in ground and wait for next blooming season. I cut them off at ground level last year. It is a rock garden with weed lining and only holes in lining to allow a come back.
This article should help: