I fell into my copperleaf plant and broke it up so it really looks like crap. Would it hurt the plant to cut it back in Oct. so it will be one size come spring?
I don't see a problem with this. Pruning is a good part of maintaining the shape of the plant. You will be safe to do so.
Here is an article for more information on the care of the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/acalypha/growing-acalypha-copper-plants.htm
Our copper leaf plants are being eaten. There are holes in the middle of leaves as well as along the edges. We know we have snails and slugs, and we're putting out beer traps for them. We don't think the leaf damage has been caused by them, however. Please help if you can!
You could have slug and other chewing pests. Continue with the beer traps but spray your plants with Neem Oil.
Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and bees.
Here is a link with more information.
I have been looking for Jacob's Coat of Many Colors, but can not find it or them anywhere. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Do a Google search for sellers. You can also try Ebay and Etsy.
Don't forget to check with local garden centers; they often can order you a plant!
We are in south Florida; I planted a copperleaf plant 3 years ago. It is large, and lately it has dropped most of its leaves, and I want to save it
My bet would be placed on soil pH. They require a very alkaline soil to flourish. Most soil sits around 7.0 or a little above or below. These will require that pH be around 9.
This article will help you to care for the Copperleaf: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/acalypha/growing-acalypha-copper-plants.htm
We have a magnificent Copper Plant growing and taking over its spot. Can we easily and successfully split it into 3? We love it but it is too large where it is and we have more space on either side for two cuttings IF that'll work. Thanks.
This should be a fairly easy plant to divide if it has multiple growing stems. These articles have tips:
If the stalks are more tree-like, better to prune it and grow more shrubs from the cuttings.
sorted to pulling them all out and replanting new ones but those are now having same problem. Any advice would be appreciated, they are such beautiful plants but it is frustrating.
It looks like mealybugs. Here is how to control them: