I have a supplier asking me to grow tree collards. He says that he can handle 100 lbs a week for his business. They have a vegetable powder business. I have plenty of land here in WV. I'd like to put up high tunnels so the plants can be year round as it gets below 20 degrees Fahrenheit here in the winter. My biggest question is "how many pounds of leaves will one plant yield and how often can I harvest it?" If you can help me answer that question, then I've got the rest figured out. Thanks so much for your time!
These articles may help:
How to treat or prevent this. I ended up throwing so many leaves out. ruined so I decided to replant new ones.
It may be black spot fungus or sooty mold from aphids. Here are tips for best culture of collard greens and when to plant.
I read the article on growing tree collards and learned a few things! I've been growing them for several years in Santa Rosa and love them. What is the best way to fortify the soil for established tree collards (3+ years old)? I have MaxSea (16-16-16) that I use for my heavy feeders such as squash, artichokes and tomatoes and the tree collard seems to like it as well. Is this a good way to replenish the soil calcium level?
There are several ways to do this! Here are some articles that will help:
The insects are Butterflies, mites, worms and ants.
You can. There are many ways to control insects in the garden! This collection of articles will help:
Seeds started 9.16.22. They sit in seed starter mix and are kept moist with lots of sun. Still, no progress.
It is because they are in seed starter mix, which contains almost no nutrients. You will need to stage them up to an actual soil. At this point, they are stuck, having used all of the nutrients within their seed coats.