Do you need to prune the pods left on the shoot after flowers die off?
Pruning off the old flower stems and pods will encourage the plant to put it's energy into new foliage and flower development instead of spending energy developing seeds. Plants want to survive and seed production ensures survival of the species. Unless you want the seeds, remove them for the health of the plant.
I have 3 clivia plants and have also given away at least 6 cuttings. My plants acquired a fungus or powdery mildew from an orchid plant I was advised to use insecticidal soap, which seemed to get rid of the powdery mildew. But none of them has bloomed for the past 2 or 3 years since being infected. Any suggestions?
These links will help you get your plant healthy, happy and blooming again.
The tips of my plants turn brown and dry up. The plants need repotting and probably division, these plants are large. However, I have small plants in a greenhouse that I started from seed, these plants really look sick, yellow leaves that do not turn brown. I planted them in orchid mix soil. I could maybe send pictures? I also have trouble getting rid of extra plants,,people do not have room for them. Marge Farness
Clivia may need repotting every 3 to 5 years. They do not like to be repotted and will not likely bloom for a few years after.
Yellow leaves may indicate watering issues; too much or too little.
It could also be pests, disease or growing conditions.
This article will help refresh you on the care requirements.
Try contacting a local garden club, they may have members that would love plants.
When re-potting clivias should I keep it high out of the soil?
With these, you really want to avoid transplant, however, if you find yourself having to do it then it is best to only do it every 3 to 5 years. They really don't like to be disturbed. You should plant them exactly at the level they were before transplant. Here is more information on their care:
AFter my clivia plant blooms, should the stalk be trimmed back? If so, immediately or after a certain amount of time?
You may prune them back at any time after the bloom dies. This plant requires a little help to re-bloom the next season, though.
This article will give you more information:
Can I remove all dirt and give my Clivia plant and good washing. Plant with new soil. I've had Clivias for years and this is the first time it every had bug.
Treat the plant with Neem Oil. Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and Bees.
You can spray the plant and it can even be used in the soil.
My Clive a has grown a large stalk and bloomed lots of flowers on it. Now it's growing small single stalks with single flowers on them?
This can be a normal occurrence, and is no cause for concern. It does need roughly 12 weeks of a rest period after the blooms fade in order to flower again. That just means only water it enough to keep it alive, and not feeding during this time. After the rest period, you can go on as usual with feeding and watering. Here is an article that will help: