When do I trim back my boysenberry limbs? They never produced as yet, and they are over 6 ft. long with no berries. What do I do?
Also, is it true to cut a lot of greens off my tomatoes and they might produce? They are very tall and healthy looking but do not grow tomatoes.
Yes, I would cut them back some. This article on thornless blackberry pruning is the same as you would treat boysenberries: http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/hortcult/fruits/prunblkbr.htm
As for the tomatoes, pruning isn't always recommended. If you are having difficulties with fruiting, it could be any number of things, especially if you see lots of foliage growth. This could signal too much nitrogen in the soil. Adding phosphorus, like bone meal, can oftentimes correct this. It could also be weather related.
The boysenberry plants grew very long branches, with beautiful leaves, maybe 6 ft. long. They did not grow any berries. Now all the leaves fell off. Do I cut them down to a certain amount or do I leave them alone? They are about 8 or 9 months old. What to do with them? All my fruit leaves have fallen off, do I prune them now or when?
Yes, I would cut them back some. This article on thornless blackberry pruning is the same as you would treat boysenberries: http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/hortcult/fruits/prunblkbr.htm
My boysenberry plants are over 6 ft. long, have not produced as yet, but all leaves have fallen off. Do I cut them back or what do I do? Are they dead? I need to know.
Second question: Do I cut my asparagus ferns back now? They are only 1 year old.
Yes, I would cut them back some. This article on thornless blackberry pruning is the same as you would treat boysenberries: http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/hortcult/fruits/prunblkbr.htm
This article will help with cutting back your asparagus: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/asparagus/cutting-asparagus-foliage-back-in-autumn.htm
They had ony flower this summer, id didn't produce any fruit. This was second summer in garden. do they fruit on second year stems. They are in same area as blueberries, and planted borage for first time. would that affect flowering. Borage grew big. The first year had a few fruit on boysenberries.Thanks From Janene in Christchurch.
When did you plant your berry plants?
It will take 2 to 3 years for berries to form on Boysenberry plants.
They are about 3-4 feet tall. Should I prune them a bit after the transplant?
Not now. Wait until late summer, or even better, near dormancy.
I note that there doesn't seem to be any drainage holes drilled. This will end up being what kills those plants. There need to be plenty of drainage holes on the sides, and bottom of the container to allow all extra water to leave the bucket, immediately, when watering. They appear to be quite overwatered.
Here are two articles that will help:
I want to grow Thornless Boysenberries "Rubus Boysen" in a container and I understand this is possible. How big should the container be? Does it matter what material is used to construct the container? What kind of trellis do I use and how tall should it be?
You will want the container to be, quite, large. This will need to be about 1 or 2 feet deep and 3 to 4 feet wide, as the roots would expand to to that in nature.
As a general rule, you will want to avoid any treated wood or railroad ties, or anything that will leech materials into the soil. Other than this, it is up to you for what is to be used.
Here are some articles for more information:
How do I prune boysenberry vines after the first year? Do you remove suckering stems? My berries are thornless variety and were prolific producers the first year but I must have pruned them incorrectly for the second year since they are not producing much but are producing a ton of suckering stems.
These articles should help: