How do you order this plant? I would like to get one of them.
You can grow Black Cohosh from seeds or divisions.
Check online sources for both seeds or plants.
Ebay can be a good source of more difficult to fine plants.
What is the proper procedures to propagate Cimicifuga racemosa by seeds and tubers?
This article provides a guide:
Here is more inforation on seed germination:
Even if you just have a small portion of root, you can make a root cutting to grow a new plant:
I have some black cohosh seeds I want to plant. In the fall. I read the seeds need to be stratified in order to germinate. My question is, can I do this by planting them in a pot. And if so, how deep should i plant the seed? Thanks
Here are some great articles that will help you.
Is it possible to grow black cohosh indoors?
It is unlikely you would be able to grow indoors.
This article will refresh you on the growing requirements.
Something has eaten right through every flower stem ... will it grow more flower stems? It looked beautiful last year .. bought & planted when in flower. I really want to support the butterflies & reclaim my plant from whatever is eating it.
My research says black cohosh pests include cutworms and blister beetles. Here's some info.