I am not sure where exactly to pinch off my avocado. I am growing it from seed. When it reached 6 inches or so, I trimmed it back to half. Not it has sprouted a new shoot, which is again about 6 inches or so with a few leaves at the top. I want it to get fatter at the bottom before I worry about leafing. What do I do? Help.
Give it as much light as you can. Move it outside for the summer if you haven't. These articles should help.
Hi every one i have avocado tree 60 years old . we get it from Africa and we are growing it in my yard in Limassol Cyprus . I realize that last 3 years it drops a lot of avocado bulb size about 2 inch and I do not know why. I ask some prof places in my country they say I have use iron dust on the roots I will mix 7 big spoons with 10 liter of water.
There are several possible reasons for this. Here are three articles that should help you determine what's going on with your very old tree.
My avocado tree (in Ecuador) is flowering all over and I noticed hundreds of small black bee like bugs in the flowers. They disappear immediately when it starts to rain. Anybodyg knows whether they are ok or harmful and what bug it is? Picture included, these are about 8 mm I would say.
These articles should help:
A few months ago I purchase a 5 gallon Avocado Tree. I planted it and all the sprouts were growing as I expected from the grafted branch. But about a month ago a couple of sprouts started growing from what looks to me as the side just before the grafted branch is connected. And these sprouts are now almost as tall as the other branches. So my question is should I do anything like cutting the questionable branches coming out of the non grafted side, or is it better just to let everything grow?
Yes, those questionable shoots need to be removed or the non-graft can take over the grafted part. Here's an article that will help:
I have a mystery tree that sprouted next to my house. I didn't cut it down because I thought it might be some kind of fruit tree but it's nothing I've ever seen; also nothing I can identify that grows in the woods around here. My sister-in-law says it looks like an avocado tree to here, but those don't grow here. It's been here 4 years total, gets a little bigger every year. It's around 7.5 to 8 feet high now.
The only thing that grows in your area, that this resembles to me, would be the persimmon!
I purchased 2 avocado trees one hass and hardy, the hass tree lost most of its leaves during shipping and is down to 2 leaves the main branch at the top has developed a dark spot which if it continues to grow will probably kill the main branch and top inches. I watch and read just about everything support proper health
Did the avocado tree have a guarantee? I suggest contacting the vendor. They should make sure you get a healthy tree. Here are some care tips that should help:
I have an advocardo plant growing in my conservatory and the leaves have whit dandruff look how do I treat it Thank you
This could be, either, powdery mildew or downy mildew. Here are some articles to help: