I received 12 astibles from a grower and its still 30 out and I didn't know when to plant. I wet them down and covered with wet newspaper. What do I do now? I am in northern Ohio and usually do not plant till end of April.
I would go ahead and plant them in containers. Keep them here until it remains above freezing outside. This will give them a head start before the growing season. Here is a collection of articles on astilbe that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/astilbe/
My astilbe is invading my garden. How can I kill the invaders?
It can be quite difficult to control this without harming your soil. You can try spraying vinegar, carefully, on the plants and this can usually kill them. If this does not do the trick then you can pour boiling water on the stalks, and roots. This will kill off the plants without destroying your soil.
Can you place 3 divisions in the same hole?
No, you should plant individually.
This article will help you.
My plant was kept in the pot it came from. In a couple of weeks it blossomed pink, then the blossoms turned green and didn't stay pink.
These plants are quite picky about their environment, and will not flower correctly without having near perfect conditions. This article will help you with this: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/astilbe/growing-astilbe-plants.htm
After dividing my astilbe (Montgomery) I would like to take it up to my daughter's garden. This is about 4 hours away, but actually I probably would do the division somewhat before. My question is how should I care for the astilbe division after dividing and before replanting? Also how long can whatever you suggest enable me to wait before replanting? Should this be done early or late in the fall (September, October, or Thanksgiving)?
You can wrap it in wet newspaper, or paper towels until you get it to the location that it will be planted. I would suggest digging it up t the very last minute. The less time it spends stressed the better. As with most plants, I would recommend transplanting in early fall If you can catch it early enough, then this would be a good time to do it. Here is an article for more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/astilbe/how-to-transplant-astilbe.htm
I have a thriving prennial garden with several beds in different aspects..sun, moist, etc. There exists a mix of sun and shade but I do have quite a bit of shade....all types of shade; dry shade, moist shade part shade, morning shade...you get the idea. The following plants will not grow for me: Astilbe, heuchera, tiaralla, anemone and maybe some I have forgotten. Do these plants have something in common? Am I missing something? Zone 4/5.
You may want to have your soil sampled! There may be some underlying issue that is preventing growth, such as pH, infection, or nutrient deficiencies that a soil sample will reveal so that you can correct them.
This link will help you to find the closest extension service to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search
I planted astilbes in a tree ring last spring. There was growth, but , nothing in height or any flowers or color.Does it take a season or years for them to flower?
Review the link below on care needed.