I have 2 aglaia odorata plants, about 10 years old, 4ft and 6ft high, growing in Los Angeles, CA. They flower yearly, but the flowers have no fragrance. Plants look very healthy. Any suggestions?
The scent may be more noticeable indoors or if the plants are in full sun. Otherwise, this could be due to genetic differences between plants, but I'm not really sure. This short article might help:
It is planted outside in what should be the ideal location.
It would seem that you are just outside of their hardiness zone. They will only thrive in zones 10 and 11, but yours is zone 9.
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to see the damage to the tree.
I can take a guess at what is happening, though. It is likely transplant shock. If the temperatures start dropping, this tree can experience leaf drop, as well.
Your best bet will be to grow this in container, and put the tree indoors in bright light during the Winter.
This article will help you to know what care they require: