I was looking on your website about all the very helpful information you have regarding the care of an Agapanthus plant, and wondered if you might be able to assist me regarding one of several plants I have in my garden. This particular plant is about 10-12 years old. It has flowered every year without any issues and then suddenly this year all that have appeared are two flower stems. As you can see from the photo attached a large number of the leaves seem to have dried or even died and I cannot fathom what could have caused the plant to go this way. I have not done anything differently to this particular plant than the others we have in both our front and back garden and they have all flowered. Any assistance or suggestions from you as to how I can get this plant back into full flower next year would be very much appreciated Yours Sergio Martini
It looks like they have overcrowded themselves, and caught an infection. They are overdue for division, but you will need to treat the infection with a fungicide along with division.
Here are some articles that will help:
I took many out and potted them,I would like to sale some
It looks like they do not get enough sunlight. This will cause them to remain long and unruly, causing them to flop over.
Here is an article that will help you to care for them:
I have several agapanthus that are not winter hardy in my area. Is it possible to just dig up the root and put in paper bag and winter in the basement in semi darkness? Or what is the best way to winter inside?
If the basement temp is about 40 to 50 degrees F during the winter that will work. Here is more:
I have a Agapanthus Twister in a tub, it is very healthy but is only just flowering now Sept/Oct, is this normal and is there anything I can do to make it flower earlier
They usually bloom in late summer, perhaps you planted it late. Check your care with the tips in these articles and make sure they are consistent.
This is the second year for the plant. It was blooming in the summer when I purchased it. I did try to report it. The root system is very strong. It didn't bloom this summer, however, I put it in the potting shed at the beginning of October because it was getting cold during the nights in my area. After a few weeks I noticed that it has two blooms on it. I have brought it into the house to enjoy it as it flowers.
It depends on the variety as to when it blooms. Some don't bloom till fall, especially the white ones. The nursery may have forced the blooms early to sell them before fall.
Want to keep the agapanthus but kill the weeds that grow through them. What spray can I use?
There isn't a product that will kill the weeds, but not the agapanthus. When the beds are cleared of weeds, you can sprinkle on the mulch a barrier (preemergent) product that prevents new seeds from germinating. But it won't kill existing weeds.
If there is a point where your bulb foliage has died back and is not visible, but the weeds are, you can spray the weeds with an herbicide. But make sure none of the agapanthus is growing.
I have agapanthus an agapanthus in pots, and a couple with seeds in lite soil...love them would like to keep them and seed more. HELP???!!!
You are in zone 7, which they are hardy down to. They will survive your winters and self seed. Here is an article that will help you to care for the plant: