We have 2 woolly bushes and they were fabulous but after last night's drenching in Perth WA, they have fallen forward and look unsightly. What can we do to fix them or do we need to cut them right back. Thank you
You can trim back any damaged or broken plant material.
You can prune your Wooly shrubs back at any time of year.
So I bought an ‘adenanthus silver silky’ about 2 weeks ago and I watered it about once a week and gave it full indirect light (inside as too windy out) All of a sudden it’s curling and the leaves have gone crispy. The soil has a lot of drainage and definitely isn’t sitting in wet soil.
These plants are suited for dry conditions, and will rarely need watering until the soil is almost completely dry. They will, also, need full and direct sun.
With that being said, this is a case of overwatering. This leads to disease and eventually a dry and crispy plant. Pair that with lack of intense sun to dry the soil thoroughly, and it is a recipe for the plant's quick demise. It should be noted that they are well suited for windy, salty air. This may be a plant better suited for outdoor life.
The plant is likely not able to recover from this state. I will include an article for the proper care on the plant, however, should you choose to try your hand at it again with a new plant: