Q.sickly creeping jenny
I grew creeping Jenny at a previous residence. It was lush and beautiful. I grew it on the North side of my house- in full sun between edging stones and the sidewalk. I loved the look so much that I have tried to grow it at my new house. The old house had sandy soil. The new house has more clay. I have planted it between edging stones and the sidewalk x 3 seasons. I water every day. At my new house it barely stays alive. The leaves are tiny. It doesn’t have the yellow green color as before either. Does it need fertilizer? OR What?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds as though your soil is not draining well. If you have too much clay in the soil, the roots aren't able to grow. Here's an article about how to amend your soil: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/how-to-improve-clay-soil.htm
and another about grown Creeping Jenny: