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Kumquat Trees

Q.Root Coming out of pot, repot?

Zone Apex | ThePlantNoob added on December 30, 2018 | Answered

Thank you to the BushDoctor for giving me the answer on the kumquat tree, however another problem arises. I also recently got a (Meyer, I think) lemon tree. It’s not planted in the center of the pot, and the roots have started to break out. Should I repot? I’m thinking of a 15 gal fabric grow bag.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 31, 2018

It is very likely that it does not need repotting just yet. Citrus like to be rootbound, and can survive for a very long time, very comfortably. Should you choose to repot, then I would go no more than an inch bigger in all directions. This will keep from stressing the tree out with too much space.

Keep in mind that with a fabric pot, you will need to keep a VERY close eye on watering, since the soil for citrus is also very light and airy. I recommend something a little more solid. You don't want a tree that can't go a few hours without watering. It is a pain. Plus they die if you leave the house, basically.

I recommend a slightly larger container with holes to allow extra water to flow out, and a water tray to catch that water. You will then remove this extra standing water after about 5 minutes after watering. Make sure to use soil marketed for citrus for the best results, as well as food marketed for the same purpose.

I have mixed my own citrus food in the past, and can say that it is much easier to get mixes that are already made.

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