Q.My plant’s leaves are turning white.
Hi everyone. I started gardening recently as hobby. I need your help. A month ago I planted cucumbers and tomatoes. And when they showed up I waited for 3 weeks and took them to the balcony. A week later their leaves turned to white and got weaker. I got worried. What is this ? What can I do? Now I took them inside. But there wasn’t too much sun to make them burn. I would be glad if you help me
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Your soil has a fungal infection from remaining wet for too long. The soil must dry out completely down to about 2 or 3 inches before watering again.
There are many other issues here, too.
There should only be one plant per container, and pulling them apart will cause so much damage that they wouldn't recover. That is a lot of plants to have roots tangled together.
Also, that container needs to be much bigger to sustain a single plant of each.
I would shoot for at least a 5 gallon pot. They will do better in 8 gallons, though.
From here, I would recommend starting over, making the corrections above, including: Using larger containers, planting only one or two seeds per container and pinching off the weakest without pulling the roots out of the soil (Pinching the top completely off will kill the weaker plant without disturbing the roots of the bigger plant), using fresh soil (It should remain dry in the bag. If it is wet, then it will certainly get an infection while sitting.), and only watering when the soil is completely dry down to two inches.
With these corrections, you will be much more successful with a container garden.