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Basil Plants

Q.Basil Wilt or Bacteria?

Zone Colorado- Indoors | alschenk added on February 16, 2015 | Answered

I bought a basil plant on Friday at Trader Joe’s and it was bright green and healthy, pretty mature. Today is Sunday and I came home to some dark spots on the leaves. I had not watered it since I bought it and it’s been in my kitchen, so not receiving much light at least for the past 24 hours, as I was away. Is my basil wilting or does it have bacteria leaf spot? If it is bacteria, is this harmful to humans? And is there anyway to save my plant or should I return it?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 16, 2015

Herb plants purchased at grocery stores are not really meant to live very long, just to be eaten within a few days. At least that's my experience. Don't eat the leaves with spots on them, but the rest should be okay. If you want to raise some herbs in your kitchen, you'll need to put them on windowsill, or provide electric light, and get potted plants from a garden store. Here's some more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/growing-herbs-indoors.htm

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