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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    August 23, 2011

    I would think that if you leave two to three feet between them, they should do fine. I say to leave 2 to 3 feet to allow both room to fill in half the area between them with foliage. That distance will hopefully allow for the nice filling out growth and allow good air movement through both of them so that no funguses get any ideas of attacking them.

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    September 5, 2011

    Hello and Good Day to you Wayne. Thanks for sending in your question. The Knock Out roses are really no different than other roses, in that the optimum pH is 6.5. You are not far off from that and if the roses are performing okay, then I would not get too concerned. Make changes to the soils slowly and carefully if you decide to do so. Making changes too rapidly can really cause problems that take months to fix. Here is a link to one of my articles for you as well >> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/rose-soil-preparation.htm

    Stan The Roseman
    Consulting Rosarian
    Gardening Know How

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    September 20, 2011

    It sounds a bit like rose slugs. I would spray them all with some Bayer Advanced insecticide. Make sure to get the spray up under the leaves as well. Spray the roses a couple of times at the intervals listed on the label. Should get rid of them and let the roses generate some new foliage.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    October 30, 2011
    Certified Expert
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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    February 27, 2012
    Certified Expert

    Knock out roses are pretty resilient but pests do occasionally attack them. If you can, try to identify what kind of pest if eating the leaves so that you can better tailor the solution to them. But, if you are not sure, a general pesticide should help clear it up.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    February 29, 2012
    Certified Expert
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