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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How Long Does Sap Run From Limb of Mature Pine Tree?

AnnyzYard added on September 23, 2011 | Answered

My neighbor, in August, cut a few limbs off two pine trees. The sap drips on my wood deck AND my concrete patio floor. Aside from cleaning the drip spots, the sap is of course tracked onto the interior flooring of my home. How long do I have to put up with the sap?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2011

It really should have stopped by now. If it is still weeping sap, this means it likely has an issue with the cut. I would ask your neighbor to check the cuts and see if one has a fungus infection or a pest problem. As a precaution, he should treat the cuts with a fungicide.

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