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Gardening Know How Questions & Answers - https://questions.gardeningknowhow.comthere a cure of any kind for the plants. Perhaps something I can add to the water?
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1 Comment To "I Believe My Aeroponic Tower Garden Plants Have Tobacco Mosaic Disease. Can The Virus Be Transmitted Through The Water System? Is"
#1 Comment By BushDoctor On 06/09/2020 @ 12:20 pm
It doesn't appear to be Mosaic Virus. It does appear to be a disease, but that can't be said for certain.
If you are completely certain that water levels, pH levels, nutrient content (Which is VERY difficult to gauge with separate species in one container) temperature, and all other factors remain stable, and these factors are checked daily, THEN you can begin to make a diagnosis.
If any of these factors above are out of balance, and/or these factors change frequently, then this will be your first set of issues to fix. Test everything daily, and adjust accordingly. There are only a handful of stable, pharmaceutical grade nutrients that can go more than a few days without adjustment. They are very expensive and not worth the hobby garden, however. With that being said, it will be necessary to test and adjust, daily.
Back when I had more time to play with my own systems- I tested nutrients of all sorts, and found that most needed to be adjusted once or twice per day. Usually, this consisted of topping of the water level, since a drop in water will mean an increase in nutrient concentration and salt lockout. Too much of a drop, and you will need to change out the water, completely. This will be the equivalent of mixing nutrients together with little or no water. This will lead to chemical reactions that produce insoluble salts, thus the need to change the water.
Here are some articles for more information: [1] [2] [3]