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Container Zucchini Plants

Q.Zucchini Plant in Pot

Anonymous added on July 15, 2015 | Answered

We have a zucchini plant in a large flower pot. We started with a sprigging from a friend. It grew beautifully and produced 5 zucchinis, which we ate. Then all of a sudden the zucchini appeared on the plant as yellow, grew about one inch or so, rotted, fell off. Now we have no fruit at all, big beautiful leaves are turning yellow, but have flowers growing but they do not grow very large at all. Cannot figure out what we are doing wrong. This is the first time we have ever grown a zucchini plant. How sensitive are they to HOT weather in NC? Is it OK to water every time it gets droopy? Recently started watering twice a day due to leaves drooping. Has this been the correct procedure or have I drowned it? Please help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

It sounds like you are having pollination and watering issues.

When the flowers are not properly pollinated, the plant will reject the fruit while they are just a few inches long. For the pollination, you may need to hand pollinate. This article will help:

For the watering, I would recommend increasing the water. Many container plants tend to be underwatered, simply because people don't realize how much water is needed in the summer. Water at least once a day, 2X a day if the temps are over 85F.

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