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Zucchini Plants

Q.Zucchini Has Spongy Yellow Stalks

Anonymous added on July 11, 2011 | Answered

Is there something I’m doing wrong? Quite a few of my yellow squash looked great until I went to pick them. The entire veggie was soft and felt rotten. The stalks close to the ground are a pale yellow and have a spongy texture. When I initially planted them, I wrapped the stalk, at ground level, with nylon stocking to keep the stalk borer bug from eating through the stalk. That happened last year and we got nothing from the plants at all. I was able to pick the entire plant up off the ground. I thought this would help and now I have this new problem. HELP!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 18, 2011

This is my best guess. It sounds like bacterial wilt. Cut a stem and if liquid oozes out, that is what you have. Destroy plants - do not compost. Nothing that can be done for it.

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