I have two zucchini plants growing well but they both have just a few flowers with bases that look like they are going to form a zucchini, and lots of flowers on long stems that don’t look as though they could bear a zucchini. Should I pick these off or thin them out?
Thank you for your time.
Nope, those are "male" flowers and you need them if you want to eat zucchini! Female flowers are the ones that have the little round "things" at the base that will turn into fruit, but pollinators need the pollen from the male flowers (that hang out on long stems with no round things anywhere on them) in order to pollinate the female flowers... which will then produce zucchini! Here's an article describing the differences between the male and female flowers: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/squash/female-male-squash-blossoms.htm